what happened when the chemistry teacher told a bad joke

xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'text/plain;charset=UTF-8'); His students, he thought, weren't performing well academically and they were being disruptive, rude and dishonest. Q: What do you do with a element seeds? / CBS/AP. Carbon was saying to oxygen hey did you hear about the new phone company O2? Fearing he'll get an "F", he asks a fellow student what she's been doing. The chemist sees the glass as completely full, half in the liquid state and half in the gaseous state. Abbys Joke: Whats Irish And Comes Out During March? Because I can't live without you. A: The teacher told him to fe-breeze it. My chemistry teacher offered me a Pb and J sandwhich. According to the discoverers, a minute amount of administratium causes one reaction to take over four days to complete when it would have normally occurred in less than a second. A wrestler holding down an opponent may have a NEON him. Another chemical symbol-based chemistry joke: cobalt (Co), radon (Rn), and yttrium (Yyes, its a real element). Because you're pretty CuTe! Did you hear about that new Netflix series about a chemistry teacher that finds out he has cancer and secretly opens a bakery to provide for his family when hes gone? Help me look for it." Einstein is bored, so he suggests, Lets play hide-and-seek. This one riffs off of the alternate meanings of a major concept from each science: the periodic table and potential energy. Na. Barium. It has been discovered that money consists of a yet-to-be- indentified superheavy element. Perhaps one about sodium? Gold is the best element because it's AU-some. A group of nagging dentists discovered a new chemical element. Cool GuyI know a guy who cooled himself to -273. Getting science into compelling stories can shift perceptions away from science as humorless men in white lab coats. " The way I see it is you can choose to be part of the precipitate or part of the solution! Along with Vitamin C and Vitamin D . OH SNaP! Science Journalist. Eventually, one of my students asked about what a large asteroid impact would do to our Moon. McFadden told The Associated Press in a September interview that his hands still hurt constantly and he misses playing baritone saxophone in the band along with playing football and basketball. Proton 1: I'm positive! The other says, "I'll have an, Why did the attacking army use acid? Question at interview: What is nitrate (nite rate or night rate), Answer: double time. Yeah, it went OK. (O is the symbol for oxygen, while K is the symbol for, Did you hear that Oxygen and Magnesium hooked up last night? One atom says to the other, "Hey! What did the chemist do when he cut his leg? After all, Walter White might be the star of Breaking Bad, but its the chemistry that got him there. What is with the cat picture? In the zinc. It's FOR drinking, bathing, and mixing with scotch. 6) Mobile Ohm7) Ohm-less8) Ohm on the Range9) Ohm alone. What is the chemical formula for sea water? News outlets across the country have reported about students injured in chemistry class demonstrations in recent years, including one at a Manhattan high school that caused burns over about 31% of a student's body in 2014. In Prism. For my chemistry homework, I was supposed to write a thousand words on acid. Find all your bad chemistry jokes and Barium. Very quickly, she realized the flaw in her thinking and yelled out, "Just kidding!". One to hold the bulb and one to rotate the Universe. AMC. Q: What weapon can you make from the chemicals Potassium, Nickel and Iron?A: KNiFe. Lose an electron? The barman says "For you NO CHARGE". How ionic. Copyright 2023 CBS Interactive Inc. All rights reserved. The bellhop asks, Can I help you with your luggage? It replies, I dont have any. Q: What is the only known thing to travel faster than the speed of light?A: A Chuck Norris roundhouse kick. https://www.thoughtco.com/chemistry-jokes-puns-and-riddles-606027 (accessed March 1, 2023). Q: What kind of dogs do chemistry teacher like to have? He'll have to take chemistry next year to graduate but said he feels nervous about that. Helium doesn't react. Chemistry Jokes. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Write CSS OR LESS and hit save. Carbon! To that, I answer, "Na." When someone I don't like asks me to hang out I tell them sodium hydrogen. The proton replies "I'm positive. The 90+ Best Chemistry Jokes A big list of chemistry jokes! Possum. Na BrO! Abbys Joke: What Do You Call It When You Get Dizzy While Taking The Carpool Lane Through The Tunnel? What did one charged atom say to the other? Want weekly science jokes delivered to your inbox? BaNa2. If H2O is the formula for water, then what is the formula for ice? What do you call iron blowing in the breeze? 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A: BaNaNa, Q: Why did the white bear dissolve in water? Below is a collection of chemistry jokes, puns, riddles, and one-liners. Helmenstine, Anne Marie, Ph.D. "Chemistry Jokes, Puns, and Riddles." We invite readers to visit us daily, explore topics of interest, and gain new perspectives along the way. The professor brought out a glass tank the size of a small swimming pool full of water. Q: Why did Kepler get fired from his janitor position?A: He only swept out the same area. -- Radon food in the fridge, What did the cowboy do with his horse? . Responsibility disclaimer and privacy policy | About Us | Terms & Conditions | Site Map. Were sure therell be the right chemistry between you and these funny chemistry jokes and youll have a good reaction to them. L. Chris Stewart, a lawyer for McFadden, said they will likely end up suing for damages to cover his pain and suffering, as well as past and future medical costs, including plastic surgery. Using stories from sciences past to understand our world. and he died. The Associated Press contributed to this report. Do particles with multiple helium isotopes have mass? Florence Flask was preparing to attend the opera. In fact, they were still arguing when the train hit them. A: A CaNiNe. Matthew Cohen/rd.com Oxygen, hydrogen, sulfur, sodium, and phosphorous walk into a bar. Excited by the prospect of a television drama with chemistry at its heart, Nelson was eager to help. "Yes, Why should you go drinking with neutrons? . I think these jokes are sodium funny. The word ferrous describes a metal comprised mainly of iron, since ferrum is Latin for iron. Bar man says, "We don't serve. What is the element's favorite carnival ride? We are no longer supporting IE (Internet Explorer) as we strive to provide site experiences for browsers that support new web standards and security practices. MoUSe. New Hampshire in the Morning. Na, im fine, I don't want to tell jokes in class because I might get NO REACTION, What do tomb robbers do to pyramids? So go ahead, step away from the books and the beakers and get ready for some incredibly corny chemistry jokes. He was 0k. April 27, 2015. Ill be it! The others agree, so Einstein begins counting. If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate! . ", So one guy says to another 'Wanna hear a potassium joke?' Your email address will not be published. A: Fear of utility bills. You barium. Theres nothing we can do. There was no reaction. A: A chemistree. How often should you tell chemistry jokes? Its been quite noticeable that over the past, say, 20 years, the number of U.S. kids going into science has been declining, Nelson says. A: Cesium, What does a good doctor do for his patients? Dont miss these space punstheyre really out of this world. ThoughtCo. How often do I like jokes about chemistry? Contests & Rules | Some images copyright AP, Clipart.com Proceed with caution if you hear these comments. FCC Public File | FCC Applications After soaking a $5 bill and lighting it, she put it in a bowl and "added more ethanol to make the flame bigger," the investigator concluded. CTRL + SPACE for auto-complete. Helium says " No I'm not, I'm the second lightest here! . A: It was asalt. Gold and fluorine walk into a bar and fluorine starts reacting badly with some of the other people. 4. (Answer: Pull down their genes). A student comes into his lab class right at the end of the hour. 90 of them, in fact! Beryl and Lium. A Collection of Chemistry Jokes. Golf, because he always got a mole-in-one. K, What did two scientists do when their test subject died? Ask Donna Nelson, an organic chemistry professor at the University of Oklahoma and the shows volunteer science adviser. I was looking for sodium on the periodic table, but then it told me it was not available! Q: How can chemistry students stay positive? --Helium, What's the best formula for breakfast? What should do you do with a dead Chemist? Claudia SOBS over Casey, smitten Ron makes things official and 'snakey' Samie stirs up trouble - all you missed from Love Island episode 42. I had a female Physics teacher in my school. This is a joke I was told a long time ago, probably as a high school student in India, trying to come to terms with the baffling ways of statistics. Consulting on Breaking Bad is her way of reaching a broader audience and engaging people with emotionally involving stories about science. xhr.send(payload); What did the chemist say to motivate his team? In fact, for years my dad told this joke to his students, "How do you tell a boy chromosome from a girl chromosome?" Teacher after a lecture on neurotransmission: How do nerves communicate?Student: Cellular phones. A: A dogion (cation a positively charged ion). Did you hear? One guy says "I would like some. I'd tell you a chemistry joke but I know I wouldn't get a reaction. What did the elements say to hydrogen? If a joke is good because it's bad or so bad that it's good, this is where it belongs.Looks like you're using new Reddit on an old browser. Knock Knock, Who's There? "OH SNaP!". Q: What happened when NA jumped CL? He would make some very dirty jokes (and like every joke became a dead horse), and complain how hard his life was in school and claimed that the teacher loved making us do this. https://www.thoughtco.com/chemistry-element-jokes-606028 (accessed March 1, 2023). The proton says, "Stop, I dropped an electron. Proton 2: Are you sure? Silicon, H2O is the formula for water, what is the formula for ice? Guys, stop it with the puns. Q: How did the football cheerleader define hydrophobic on her chemistry exam? -Radium What did the king say to the guard when the prisoner escaped? Where does bad light land? The optimist sees the glass as half full. I think it would be really nice if more scientists took advantage of opportunities like this, she says. Staff and students said the student, 16-year-old Malachi McFadden, had his head down and didn't see the flame coming. Completely full, half with liquid and, Why does a hamburger have less energy than steak? Asked helium"Cause you want to bury um!! Q: What is the atomic symbol for confusion? Gotta keep an ion it. A: To become a buffer solution. Share yours in the comment section. ", First person: Do I have a joke on sodium?? } They say Blowe didn't provide protective equipment or advise the boy to stand 10 feet away, as mandated, WGCL-TV reported. A: I've got my ion you. Q: What did the adult ion say to the mischievous young ion? Why did the scientist want carbon, Arsenic, and Hydrogen? And be sure to check back regularly because we update them periodically! Q: What kind of dog did the chemistry teacher have? Teacher: Can you name the three kinds of blood vessels?Student: Yes. . Second student, chemistry student, says Youre wrong, this is clearly reason of faulty gasoline. Titanium is an amorous metal. Sometimes that means long-running consultations; other times it means hour-long background briefings. In this context, graduated means marked with divisions or units of measurement. And, of course, the word degrees has multiple meanings too. Boy, she cannot put that book down. Check out these rock puns you wont take for granite. Thorium. Like many of her colleagues, she worries about bad science in the media and its effect on younger generations. Teacher: What's the molecular formula of water? It went OK. What is H204? The National Academy of Sciences, for instance, has established the Science and Entertainment Exchange, which describes itself as 1-800-FIND-A-SCIENTIST: When Hollywood needs a scientist, a quick call to us is all they need. The program has consulted on more than 500 projects, including the movies Prometheus, Thor, and Tron: Legacy, and the television shows Criminal Minds, Fringe, and Lost. A: Laboratory Retrievers. The news of his facial hair nearly out-shined his big night. Q: Why does helium laugh so much? (Getty Images) Irwin Horwitz had had enough. . They wanted to get the science right, though, and welcomed any help. The Ferrous Wheel, of course! All Right Reserved. Sooo I was gonna tell you a joke about sodium and hydrogenbut NaH. It was a great day -- students were peppering me with questions about asteroids and the solar system. Submit your best joke here and get $25 if Readers Digest runs it. "Now, class. All rights reserved. Know any good jokes about sodium? The proposed element nameis Un-obtainium. So an atom walks into a bar with a gun and the bartender says "Who are you and what do you want?" My History teacher told us that one time there was a test where the student just traced an outline of their hand, with a small caption underneath that said "high five! ", Susan was in chemistry. If "Fe" is Iron, then does that mean that a Female is Iron Man? These are the crazy, often funny things that happen when scientists experiment on themselves. Reached by phone Wednesday, Blowe declined to comment. What is the chemical formula of coffee? Q: What did the chemistry teacher say when he found two Helium isotopes? A: OH SNaP! He put his neon (knee on) a table to bandage it up. Come on guys, these chemistry jokes are getting a bit boron. Two guys walk into a restaurant. is a freelance writer who has taught in the Science, Technology, and Society Program at Pennsylvania State University. -"Cesium! A: By thinking like a proton. Joe Wilson says: "U Li!! Q: What utensil can you make from the elements potassium, nickel and iron? How many theoretical physicists does it take to screw in a light bulb? A: Theres no reaction. Have physics, will travel. So she reached out to Gilligan and soon found herself meeting with the shows writers, talking through what might motivate Walter White, what experiences hed have had as an up-and-coming chemist, and how he would talk to a classroom full of high-school students. Teacher: What is the definition of hydrophobic?Student: Fear of utility bills. Obama is giving his speech. A collection of the best chemistry jokes; compiled by Jupiter Scientific. Then, she says, I went away and watched a couple of episodes and thought, Oh, my gosh, is this something I want to get involved in? This [show] was about synthesizing and selling methamphetaminethat put me off a little bit. But as she watched, she realized Walter White was no role model: his harrowing descent into criminality wouldnt encourage any of Nelsons students to begin synthesizing meth. The page of her notebook is filled with little figures resembling circles and ellipses with hair on them. I wish to apologize for not having more chemistry jokes, but I only add them periodically. Most of the students groaned, but I could tell that one of my brighter students was deep in thought. Because wherever they go, there's, What's a chemistry teachers favorite thing to teach about? Chemists sure love their Labs. What song starts with Oxygen Hydrogen Sodium Sodium? Check out some more delightfully corny food puns here. A: H2O cubed. Sodium Bromate Joke: Want some sodium bromate? The first chemist says, "I'll have H2O." Water molecules are polar, so other polar substances will dissolve in it. Some of them are groaners, but some are quite funny. That "caused the flame to become out of control. ThoughtCo, Aug. 25, 2020, thoughtco.com/chemistry-jokes-puns-and-riddles-606027. Q: Since H2O is the formula for water, what would the formula for ice be? What animal do you get when you take out the T, A and I in the word Potassium. Here is a collection of reader-submitted chemistry jokes and puns. What a loner! The only time I cheated on a test was also the only time I got such a bad grade. A: Um. Some chemistry jokesmight be bad but thats only because the good ones argon. He looks at him dead in the eye and yelled, 'You don't know what kind of things I have put up with you little brat!' Q: Why are chemists so good at solving problems? Cirque Du Soleil Performer Freddy Talks To Neal & Marga. The neutron asks, "Are you sure?" He said NaBrO. A: Au revoir. Dating apostrophes won't get you anywhere. I got my, Why was the mole of oxygen molecules excited when he left the singles bar? Police "advise the public to not engage. Some of them are groaners, but some are quite funny. The proton says, "Wait, I dropped an electron help me look for it." . He assigns us to read a chapter in the chem textbook and . You can really bond over funny chemistry jokes as theyre bound to get a reaction. Bad jokes are pretty funny, too (even if we groan for a second before we start laughing). A: Never lick the spoon. What is the name of agent 007's Eskimo cousin? How did the boss speak to the very lazy employee? A: Because its made up of alkynes of people. What did the chemist say when he found two isotopes of helium? Did you hear oxygen went on a date with potassium? Next, an assistant appeared with a white bear on a leash and led it to the tank. ThoughtCo, Feb. 16, 2021, thoughtco.com/chemistry-element-jokes-606028. 'S the molecular formula of water the fridge, What does a good do!, a and I in the chem textbook and faulty gasoline do chemistry teacher have to! He 'll have an, Why did the chemist say to the mischievous young ion 6 ) Mobile Ohm7 Ohm-less8! H2O. synthesizing and selling methamphetaminethat put me off a little bit he only out... 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